This article discusses how you can notify relevant people, groups or departments of every employee milestone in their journeys.
Note: If you haven't read our article on how to create journeys, please start with our Introduction to Journeys article
There are 2 different ways to notify stakeholders of every employee milestone in their journeys:
Notify by email addresses
Notify by selecting a Qualee user
Notify by Email Address
When creating a Journey in Qualee you may choose to notify relevant stakeholders within the organisation of you employee's milestone when completing a Journey in Qualee.
Whether you wish to notify I.T. and Finance department's so they can prepare necessary office equipment and payroll requirements, or simply give a heads up to a group staff or an individual, notifications in Qualee are powerful and simple to use.
To notify by email address:
Go to Tools > Journeys, then select an upublished Journey you would like modify.
Select which step(s) within the selected journey you would like to add an email notification.
Scroll down to the Email Notification section and tick on the box that says "Send email notification when completed".
Type the email address of the target recipient(s) in the Email notification section, hit enter, then click Save step.
Notify by selecting a Qualee user
Unlike the previous method, notify by selecting a Qualee user only works if the recipient to be notified is an existing user of Qualee, whether they are an administrator, a manager or an employee, they can be selected as a recipient whenever an employee completes a journey.
Also, unlike the previous method, the recipients added will only get notified as soon as an employee completes the entire journey assigned.
To notify by selecting a Qualee user:
Navigate to Advanced > Employees, then select which employee you wish to modify. You may also search the name of the employee using the Global search bar on the upper left of the screen.
In the Employee's profile under the Journey notifications section, type in the name of the Qualee user you wish to be notified.
Once all relevant Qualee users have been added, click on Save changes.